
The Valued Podcast

Be the Valued Leader we all need you to be.


Shayne and Luke Wyler


The Valued

Be the Valued Leader
we all need you to be.



Shayne and Luke Wyler

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What should I do with my life?

What should I do with my life?

We must all answer this question. And for most of us, we must answer it several times throughout our lives. Your answer to this question shapes years of your life.

Is Your Value At Risk?

Is Your Value At Risk?

The way to answer this question is to clarify your purpose. However, you’ve been taught a lie about your purpose.

Where Does Your Value Come From?

Where Does Your Value Come From?

Understand what is causing you to be devalued in key relationships, where you are most valued and how to stand there as the leader we all need you to be.


The show helps you realize your purpose and be valued as the leader you truly are.

Join Shayne and Luke Wyler, along with special guests as they share how to be the valued leader you want to be in all your key relationships at home, work, as a company, community and country.

We believe you deserve to be valued.

Be Valued.

Realize Your Purpose.

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Get Connected.
Be Fulfilled.

To stay in business it is essential you know what matters most to those you serve.

And you must be able to deliver on the one promise they expect you to.

Connect your purpose, that promise and your value to ensure you fulfill all you're meant to, everywhere you are.

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Be Valued.
Realize Your Purpose.

To stay in leadership, everywhere you lead, it is essential you know what matters most to those you serve.

And you must be able to deliver on the one promise they expect you to.

Clarify your purpose, that promise and your value to ensure you fulfill all you're meant to, everywhere you are.

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Discover 3 Secrets To Being Valued As A Leader

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Learn to be valued as a leader and value those you lead.

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Realize Your Purpose


Be Valued Everywhere You Want To Be

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