What’s your idea?

Your Ideas Have Value






There are needs all around us.
We all have ideas, but how, when and with whom do we share them?
I’d like to share a bit of what I know on sharing ideas.  This will help you define your opportunities and make a difference where it matters.
To do that we’ll need to explore three key questions:
  1. Where do your ideas have value?
  2. How do you know which ideas to share?
  3. How do you share your ideas?

Question One

Where do your ideas have value?

Your ideas have value anywhere you have an opportunity. Again, I define an opportunity as anywhere you’re needed and wanted. There are people in your life right now that need you, but don’t want you. Likewise, there are people that want you, but don’t need you for whatever reason. The key to any opportunity is to be where you are both needed and wanted. This is where your ideas have value.
I’m sure you know this already, but it warrants repeating.  If you share your ideas in any place where you are not needed and wanted, others will kill them. We have all been there and it sucks. This doesn’t mean that all your ideas will be accepted. But where you have opportunity, they will be respected.

Question Two

How do you know which ideas to share?

Each of us has needs. And each of us has answers to the needs of others. So, which idea will answer the need you recognize in others? These ideas should be shared. Again, it is critical that you share these ideas when they’re needed and wanted. Otherwise, even though they may be the right idea, it could be the wrong time.
To know which idea to share, you will need to be clear on the need you recognize in others. I encourage you to get this down to one word. Ask yourself this question.  What need do I recognize in others in one word? Then you will have clarity on what ideas help to answer that need. Those ideas have value.

Question Three

How do you share your ideas?

This requires humility and wisdom. There are three main things to do to share your ideas. This process works well to know when, where and how to share my ideas with others.
  1. Ask others for their ideas
  2. Be still and take in their idea.
  3. Ask may I share an idea?
When you ask others for their ideas, it allows you to learn where they are at. It helps you know what is important to them in that moment. Nothing else matters at that moment.  Learn what matters to them. This will allow you to discover where they have the need you recognize in them. Being still and taking in their idea, will give you so much information. You can draw on this information to help and serve them where they need it the most. I am amazed at how an idea will come to me when I am still and just listening to the other person. This is opposite to thinking about what I am going to say next. That always results in flat and unhelpful ideas. And finally, asking permission to share your ideas will build trust and respect. This simple act will ensure you are engaging in an opportunity. If they say no, you must respect that. If they say no, there is no opportunity. Avoid forcing or manipulating the situation to “create” an opportunity. Just be where you’re needed and wanted and watch what happens.
I’d like to leave you with this:
  1. Where are you needed and wanted?  That’s where your ideas have value.
  2. What’s the need?  That’s how you know which ideas have value.
  3. What idea will help answer the need?  That’s the idea you share.

What have you found that works in sharing your ideas? Feel free to join the conversation on Facebook

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