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True Discipline

One of the easiest ways to get off track when it comes to fulfilling your purpose is to fall into the trap of what we now refer to as discipline in our modern world. Discipline now means to grind out a routine until you get to where you want to get to. The problem with this is that fulfilling your purpose requires you to step into one opportunity at a time. And you never know when, where, or how those opportunities are going to come. In other words, the modern definition of discipline is very contrary to what it takes to fulfill your purpose. It directly holds you back because instead of being free to step into the opportunities you receive, it enslaves you to a routine you can’t get out of. The routine you built to help you becomes your worst enemy. 


There’s two reasons for this. The first is your purpose was given to you. You didn’t create your purpose, it’s why you were created. You can’t fulfill the purpose you were given by living the life you want to live. You have to live the one that was written for you, the one that you are called to live. Modern discipline is a tool that we use to make our own dreams come true. It does nothing but stop us from fulfilling the life we are meant to live by enslaving us to building a life that wasn’t meant for us. 


Secondly, The word discipline actually has nothing to do with the definition we’ve attached to it. The word discipline comes from the word disciple, which means to follow or be an apprentice. Which means that discipline actually means instruction in a certain branch of knowledge or profession. With this definition, each of us should be striving to be a disciple of purpose. The purpose we’ve been given is our true profession, our true discipline. As disciples, we do not follow a routine or apprentice ourselves to a system that is designed to get us the life we want, we follow what we are called to do and apprentice to the wisdom that guides us to become a master of our purpose. 


Having discipline has nothing to do with doing the same thing over and over again, day in, day out. It has nothing to do with grinding away to achieve a goal. It has nothing to do with ignoring the opportunities you’re given so that you can stick to your routine. Discipline is becoming a student, an apprentice. It is following wisdom, being aware of the opportunities you’re meant to step into, and above all, learning how to fulfill your purpose.   


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