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Through Valleys And Over Peaks

Everyone knows that in order to achieve something, you must work for it. This is a fundamental principle that everyone knows and understands. And yet it’s one of the principles that we each deny on some level. We all want things for free, and yet nothing comes for free. Everything has a price, even if you’re not the one who pays it. The more we as people deny that you have to work to achieve, the more people actually begin to believe it. We’re seeing an entire generation blindsided because they went into the workforce and found out it’s much harder than they thought. Not everyone gets their dream job, and not everyone who gets their dream job even likes it. The truth is, a vast majority of people are dissatisfied with their work and lives. And so they give up and try something new. 

This is why so many people are looking for purpose. Because they now know that they have to work hard to succeed. And if they’re going to work hard, they want it to go towards fulfilling their purpose. They don’t want to work towards something they aren’t meant to do.

This is why purpose is ESSENTIAL. In order to get to the top of the mountain, you have to go through the valley first. In other words, in order to get the blessing, you have to stick around during the hard times first. If the reward at the end isn’t the blessing that comes with fulfilling your unique purpose, then going through the valleys will never be worth it. 

If you want to be able to stick around during the hardest times and not be tempted to quit, you need to be working towards the purpose you were created to fulfill. Because your purpose is so much more than just a job. It’s why you were put here on this earth. This is a fight you can’t give up on. Your purpose lies at the core of who you are. If you don’t fulfill it, you lose everything.

Don’t try to persevere through something you are not meant to do. Even if you make it to the end, the reward you receive won’t be the one that you were meant to have. 

Clarify your purpose, and go fulfill it. Don’t give up during the hard times, and you will see the fruit of your labor sooner than you think.

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To stay in leadership, everywhere you lead, it is essential you know what matters most to those you serve.

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